Bridging Exercises
Bridge – Standard
On back with knees bent and arms at side.
Tighten the abdominal muscles and slightly squeeze the buttocks. Then, tilt the pelvis into a “neutral” position and raise pelvis off the floor. Hold this position for a count of ___ seconds*, then return to the starting position.
Repetitions and Sets:
*See personalized exercise prescription sheet.
Bridge-Leg Lift
On back with knees bent and arms at side.
Once in the bridge position as described above, raise one leg bringing the foot approximately 6 inches off the floor. Hold this position for a count of ___ seconds*, then return the foot to the floor. Repeat this movement with the opposite leg.
Repetitions and Sets:
*See personalized exercise prescription sheet.
Bridge-Leg Extension
On back with knees bent and arms at side.
Once in the bridge position as described above, extend one leg outwards until the knee is fully extended. Hold this position for a count of ___ seconds*, then return the foot to the floor. Repeat this movement with the opposite leg.
Repetitions and Sets:
*See personalized exercise prescription sheet.