Steps to Wellness
We are healthcare professionals dedicated to providing integrative and innovative choices for your rehabilitation and/ or wellness care. You will receive an in-depth evaluation and assessment of the problem areas that you have come to consult with us about. A plan of care will be formulated and fully discussed with you.
Some of the conditions that we may help you with include:
- Neck & back pain
- Headaches
- Hip, knee & ankle/foot problems
- Jaw & facial pain · Tendinitis, bursitis
- Myofascial Pain / Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Pain of any origin
- Carpal tunnel/ wrist & hand pain
- Post-fracture & post-surgical rehab
- Neurological disorders
- Back & joint pain during pregnancy
- Arthritis pain
- Autoimmune disorders-MS, Lupus, RA
- Sports Injuries
- Worker’s Comp Injuries
- Pelvic Pain in men & women
- Muscle weakness
- Balance & gait disorders
- Loss of balance/fear of falls
- Auto Injuries
- Functional devices for activities of living
- Sleep Disorders
- Stress Management
- Performance enhancement-Golf, Sports
- Scoliosis
- Posture related pain & dysfunction
- Musculoskeletal rib & chest pain
- Osteoporosis
- Sciatica
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Posture Analysis/Correction
- Neck & Arm Pain- radiculopathy
- Spinal Stenosis/ Herniated Disc
We can provide a wide variety of standard and complimentary treatment options for your specific needs. Some of the treatment techniques and educational advice utilized may include:
Chiropractic – manual and/or Activator Method
- Manual Therapies for spine, joint & muscle
- Therapeutic Massage
- Massage Therapy for stress management & relaxation
- Neuro-muscular re-education
- Low level light therapy (cold laser) for pain, inflammation & wound healing
- Therapeutic Exercise and Activities
- Low Level Light Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy
- Rebuilder Electrical Stimulation for Peripheral Neuropathy
- Physical Agents to relieve pain & inflammation
- Iontophoresis- specially applied electrical stimulation with pain relieving/anti-inflammatory agents
- Phonophoresis- specially applied ultrasound with pain relieving/anti-inflammatory agents
- Electrical Stimulation modalities for pain relief, muscle re-education, edema reduction
- Home/Gym Exercise Programs
- Therapeutic Nutrition consultation
- Diet and Exercise Advice
- Nutritional Advice for digestive dysfunction
- Balance & Posture Training
- Nutritional Detoxification/Cleansing Programs
- Salivary Hormone Testing
- Mineral Hair Analysis
- Heavy Metal Analysis
- Acupuncture
- Auricular (Ear)Therapy for Addictions (non needle)
- Ion Cleanse Detoxification foot bath therapy
- Nutritional Recommendations for Herbal products
- Myofascial Release Therapy
- Injury & Emotional Recall Technique
- Biofeedback for Blood Pressure Reduction
- Symptom Survey for recognition of nutritional deficiencies/excesses
- EMG Biofeedback for Incontinence
- Cranio-sacral therapy
- Graston-Hall Fascial Release Techniques
- Allergy & Asthma relief techniques
- Referral to Licensed Physical Therapist as necessary